Dear God

I have never written to you
I have always wondered how I would begin
You are a beauty I can’t describe
A calm I love to imbibe
You are not a phase of life
But the forever I desire

This is me trying to write to you
Trying to tell you how I feel
Even though I’m sure you already know
I am not one for the fans
I am a fan of the times
When we talk and laugh and stay with each other

I know you watch me ignore you
I know you wonder if I ever loved you
You are really all I could ever come back to
In my wanderings to my returnings
In my stillness to my movements
You’re all I can ever come back to

So today I write to you
You are not what they made you out to be
You are not just the owner of the skies and the seas
You are the owner of me
Your breath, your heart
Your mind, your Spirit
You are the owner of me.

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